The Lyle Family
The Lyle Family
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Dominique Lyle is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi our names are Precyous and Dominique we are really ready to end our family with my baby boy life has been hard for us but by the grace of God he has pushed us to do better n put our kids first always Dominique has been a stud all her life but I wasn’t until I came out to my family 5 years ago n life has been great now we just need the last piece to our puzzle before we get married.Ive always wanted a boy but God keep blessing meh with girls I already have 2 girls of my own 12&8 n Dominique has a girl 14 and we just really want another baby hopefully this time it will be a boy.We would really appreciate it if you will help us we are fundraising because we really don’t have the funds rn rent n bills are high so please whatever you can give it’s appreciated
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Dominique Lyle is organizing this fundraiser.